Welcome to AVK
AVK is a global market leader within valves and hydrants. AVK valves are part of vital infrastructure systems that include potable water distribution, wastewater treatment, distribution of natural gas to be used for heating and electricity and sprinkle systems used for fire protection. AVK hydrants are used for outdoor fire protection systems in industrial areas and around large buildings and by firefighters to extinguish fires in our communities. We aim to develop products which will make a difference now and in the future, for instance products that will help solve the crucial problem of water loss, and not least products which offer the most cost-efficient solution for our customers in the long run.
AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is part of the AVK Group, a privately owned Danish company employing approx. 4,800 people worldwide. At AVK Valves Manufacturing Malaysia Sdn. Bhd, we manufacture valves and accessories, and thanks to additional product types from other AVK factories, we are able to offer a wide selection of affordable high-quality products to the markets in our geographical region covering South and Southeast Asia.

Customer Care

AVK Head Office in Denmark
Established as a local machine shop in Denmark
Employees worldwide
Companies in the Group
Million EUR of turnover